
Persuasive Essay On Driverless Cars

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Robots are here to take over, but not by force. In fact, we are letting them in the door without even checking the peephole. A robot can do your job better, faster, cheaper, and with less mistakes and companies know this. We live in a country of late stage capitalism where private companies are trying to squeeze every and any penny out of their expenses and into their pockets. For-profits organizations won’t hesitate to automate their workforce, and why should they? To them, the benefits are enormous. Robots don’t take breaks, don’t get hurt, can’t get sick, and do not require a yearly salary. This is no longer a matter of can we or should we, this is a matter of how our government should respond to this massive change. Low skill jobs can easily be automated and already are beginning to be. Self-checkouts and truck driving are only two examples of low skill jobs being taken over robots. One might think there aren’t many jobs past truck drivers and store clerks that can be automated, but that is flat out incorrect. Self driving cars are already here. In John Stossel's episode, “Robots and Cars” Stossel drives a Tesla, which has self driving capabilities and these cars are already available to the public. Although, the technology behind driverless cars aren’t just put in the category of cars, they’re autos. Autos move something from point A to point B. This can be useful in pit mines moving resources, warehouses moving goods, retail stores moving products. Moving things from

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