
Persuasive Essay On Drug Testing

Satisfactory Essays

Is drug testing mandatory for junior and high school students? Can drug testing save many lives? Will drug testing stop many students into taking/selling drugs? Some parents might say, “drug testing is a violation of constitutional rights.” Others might say, “drug testing is working by reducing drug use among students.” I personally think that drug testing should be mandatory for junior and high school students. The number one rule in being a parent is your child’s safety. Drugs ruin lives. Do you know how many young innocent lives are ruined because of drugs? We need to stop drugs! The first step we all need to take to stop drugs is drug testing. If drug testing can help/save someone’s life then it’s worth being tested for. We should have drug testing mandatory for junior and high school students because it can save many lives. Drugs are dangerous! Do you know what young students do just for drugs? Some students sell personal expensive items just for drugs! Such as gold watches or any type of jewelry. Others take well earned hard cash from their parents or their own cash just for drugs! Money doesn't grow on trees. Do you know how hard your parents works just to keep the food you have on the table? Students are just gonna take their parents well earned cash and waste it on something that can completely flip their world upside down. Some students take/buy drugs because they think it's “cool’ or they saw their friend do it so they think it's ok. Well it's not. 25% of junior and high school students use their or their parents money for drugs. Drug dealers make about $1200 a month. This is what we are dealing with in today’s society! We need to join together as a community and stop drugs before it gets out of hand! Another reason why drug testing should be mandatory for junior and high school students because drugs ruin lives! When young students takes a “harmless” drug they might say to themselves, “it's just a little harmless drug! I'll be fine.” Just because you take a harmless drug does not mean it won’t impact on your life/ruin your life. You may get addicted into taking drugs when you had just taken one drug! Drug addictions are like diseases, they spread rapidly! Drug testing can save many lives!

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