
Persuasive Essay On Foster Children

Decent Essays

In the year 2015 there were over 427,000 children in the United States foster care system (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2017). Many of these children will be placed in several different homes over the time of their stay in the system. These recurring placements can create problems for our youth in the future. Numerous placements can inhibit personal development by creating barriers to their ability to learn how to form lasting bonds in relationships, something normally developed in their home life. It can also cause issues with continuity to their academics and medical care. Children who are moved often are at a higher rate to become runaways and have interactions and possible incarcerations by law enforcement. (Hurlburt, 2010). Fisher (2013), states that children who are in a constant state of placement instability are more likely to develop ADHD, disruptive behavior disorders, substance abuse and other psychological issues. Currently we are faced with a “Catch 22”: The State of California has enacted Assembly Bill 403 that limits the amount of time that youth can stay in group homes to a six-month time limit per home. The goal of this is to get more children into stabilizing foster homes more quickly. (Stone, 2015) But many of the foster youth who are in the group homes are youth who have already been moved around to many foster homes and are not truly eligible to be in a family home any longer.
What causes them to be moved so often? What do social workers perceive

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