
Persuasive Essay On Gender Neutral Bathrooms

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Throughout the states, gender-neutral bathrooms have become the hot topic with lawmakers and the LGBT community. The state, federal and school officials has argued over weather transgender people should use the facilities matching their gender identity. In recent times, gender-neutral restrooms have been on a move since 2009 in Vermont. During this rising movement in 2012-13, 150 universities had installed gender neutral bathrooms and a few high schools. Former President Obama also put the first gender neutral bathroom in The Whitehouse. On March 23, 2016 in Raleigh North Carolina lawmakers gather for a general assembly regarding the House Bill 2. The bill reflects on identifying male and female by their biological sex and what it states on the birth certificate. Governor Roy Cooper then signed a repeal on the restricted bathroom law that was passed by both the Republican legislatives and Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper. However, coming up with a solution with each other, Gov. Cooper states that "It wasn’t a perfect deal or my preferred solution, but an important first step for our state” (Cooper). Although the controversy remains whether there will be legal protection for the transgender individuals. The law has now open a whole new national backlash from entertainers cancelling concerts, sports leagues not playing stadiums and business managers not allowing transgenders to work do to their religious beliefs.
The main perspective with Human rights in the transgender community is

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