Global warming could result in catastrophe and death if we don’t start making a change to finally put an end to climate change. The consequences of global warming can already be seen today and this is only the beginning. We aren’t just hurting ourselves we are hurting our environment and all the animals in it. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in centuries and it will only keep increasing. Nasa Tells us in their article Global Climate Change: Evidence, “it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century.” We are damaging the earth and hurting our future generations. America as a country needs to focus on moving towards greener energy and away from fossil fuels but right now it doesn’t seem to be happening. We need to put an end to the corruption and greed in our country that allows such large support for fossil fuels and begin moving towards greener energy. Global warming is a dangerous manmade phenomenon that could have devastating effects if we don’t come together and to something to stop it. The main cause for global warming is the rapid increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. The effect of this increase in greenhouse gasses has caused a slow but noticeable increase in the average temperature of the earth. Another name for this phenomenon is the greenhouse effect because it functions similarly to a green house. The
In the movie “Wet Back” they talk about many things that you never pay attention to but are starting to become a serious problem now. Immigration is starting to become a serious problem in the United States. There was people in the movie who were border patrol giving their opinions on what we should do to stop all this illegal migration. Mexicans who were trying to jump the border were even in the moving saying what they are trying to do and most of them do it to try and just better their lives. It gives you an inside look on something that we all need to fix fast or this little problem is going to be something drastic.
Climate change is a real problem facing our world with all of the progression of today’s society. The amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions has gone up drastically in the past one hundred years alone. The use of transportation, industry, electricity and the deprivation of the world's natural resources has increased the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. The Environmental Protection Agency has shown an increase in the Earth's temperature by 0.8 degrees C in the past century alone. It is proven that humans are the cause of global warming but it is not too late to change how we are.
Global climate change, something that most people in the world are not taking as seriously as they should. Many people believe that climate change is a phenomenon; a conspiracy theory to engage people into spending more money. When the world became industrialized, we lost our way on protecting our Earth, our only planet. Industrialization is why our environment is in critical condition. Advocating and government officials are necessary for a decrease of Greenhouse Gas emissions into our atmosphere. For our environment to thrive, changes need to happen and they can begin with yourself.
Climate change is known as one of the greatest threats to the planet. It is not only a threat to the planet environmentally, but it is a threat socially and economically. As we all could feel, see, and know, the weather patterns globally and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been increasing over an extended period of time. Although it may seem like it’s not a dramatic change since it is data from over a large amount of time, it is considering the fact that the large amount of time is not that large as it should be. Climate change is nothing new to us. It’s happened many years ago in the past because a variety of reasons but as the years go on, the rate on charts are just getting higher. As much as I would like to blame this predicament on nature, humans has a fault as well. We release thousands of greenhouse gases into the air through many procedures, but there are things that we cannot entirely control. However, whoever’s fault it is to blame I believe that if we work together and think we will more likely be able to find effective solutions for this problem.
Introduction This activity was such an exciting and enjoyable learning experience for me. I observed and learned things that I would never be able to get from a textbook and that is my favorite part about the field activities offered through this class. Sitting with Mrs. Moylan and learning about each and every student both academically and personally and also being able to observe them in action was such a valuable experience. I had the opportunity to sit in on teacher meetings, read quarterly assessments and PARCC results, and really get to see what it’s like to be a teacher.
Many people see the flaws in our current world and how it is hurting us. However, people do not like change and think it is impossible for us to change.“But for those of us born and raised inside this system, though we may sell see the dead-end flaw of its central logic, it can remain intensely difficult to see a way out." (Klein, pg 178) Klein explains to us that all we have to do is change. Although, most of us realize there needs to be change, we do not actually put any of it into action. In order to fight climate change we must start putting our thoughts into actions and stop being afraid of change.
Climate change is claimed to be a debatable topic, but there is a lot of evidence to prove that it’s definitely real. “Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is the most serious environmental issue facing us.” says Bill Nye. Many people believe this statement but, others refuse to believe it. Political groups don’t want to believe it because it’s claimed to be a waste of money. Climate change is depleting many ecosystems resources, like marine, tundra, grassland, desert, and freshwater ecosystems. Glaciers melting will make the sea rise a devastating amount, wildfires and other natural disasters will be more severe and coral reefs will be destroyed. These things will hurt animals and drive them to extinction. Climate change has a catastrophic impact on animals and we need to change that.
“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate.” - Barack Obama. Climate change has been a popular topic of discussion for years now, because of the threat to our environment. The world will forever be changed if climate change isn’t taken into serious consideration and not in a good way. Climate change has had many negative effects, for example, damage to coral reefs, the increase of wildfires, and most importantly rising sea levels. Climate change is happening now and action should be taken now to stop it. The damage to our earth cannot always be undone as well as making some places disappear forever.
One of the most controversial and hot buzzer topics of today would be that of global warming. Although many believe global warming is real to some extent, it is a debated topic because just as many people believe that it is a fabricated government sham. Despite differing public opinion, "Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position." (NASA) Considering this, global climate is very much a real occurrence due human presence on this earth, which is made evident through the increase in extreme weather patterns, the rise in carbon dioxide emissions
Global warming has been an increasing problem throughout the world. Over the years people have worried about the situation and tried to come up with ways to solve the situation. What exactly is global warming, and how could we stop it?
Global Warming will continue to be a monstrous problem to be dealt with, when thinking of the future what needs to be considered is how long can the Earth keep sustaining life with little to no change. Change cannot happen overnight but, with nations working together to fix a common goal it is possible to put in motion a considerable change that will benefit the generations to come. Global warming cannot keep being put off, the risks are to great to ignore anymore, it is everyone’s problem therefore, it takes everyone to make the situation okay. Scientists need to keep raising awareness to get people to jump into action, the quicker the better. Politicians like Al Gore need to be more involved in the truth and facts surrounding climate change
Global warming has done to certain places. Although not all places feel the change it’s
Did you know that the United States is the second largest contributor of CO2, and the less concerned about it? Climate change has been a problem for decades, but just recently we start to see how big of a problem climate change is, and can be. Climate change is one of the biggest problems that we are facing right now, even if keep trying to act like is nothing. Everybody, the people, the government, and big companies are a big contributor of this phenomenon. The more we keep denying its effects, the more we are going to regret it later, and going to wish that we could go back and try to fix the issue. You going to know one day, and its going to be late. Climate change should be the U.S government main focus this decade and the ones to come. Climate change can affect a country in every way economically, destroyed …., cause a lot of deaths.
It’s the favorite topic of politicians and news reporters: global warming. There are people who believe it’s true and others that believe it’s hype. But every day there is another fact that makes you think about the impact it may have on your life, like this month when NASA scientists reported that June of 2017 was the fourth warmest June in 137 years of record keeping. We forget that the same issues we face have more risks to wildlife. It’s becoming more well known that global warming is altering our wildlife and we must confront it before the effects are irreversible.
Global warming has been an on-going issue for many decades. Most people would argue that it is a hoax; while others argue it is true. Climate change can cause a domino effect of catastrophes throughout the world. Once it affects one group, then that affected group will affect another, and so on and so forth; like a plague. Global warming is an authentic problem and we need to find more efficient ways to eliminate it, or at least contain it.