
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

Decent Essays

Guns are very easy to buy/get your hand on. You can go into a store and buy them and you just have to have your ID with you. There are 88.8 guns per every 100 people just in the united states. This mean there are about 270,000,000 guns in the United States. Also the second amendment protects an individual’s right to own a gun, guns are needed for self defense, not for personal pleasure. GI think guns should be limited to a certain amount. Guns should be controlled, and limited better, and not just available to buy.
People are using guns for the wrong reasons. Guns are very easy to buy or get your hands on. Guns do not stop mass shooting; they only cause them, as seen in the example of the Sandy Hook shooting. In Newtown, Connecticut, a 20 year old man shot 20 children between the ages of six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members.Gun control laws won’t stop mass shootings. The tragic rash of school, religious and workplace shootings has turned up the heat on the public conversation about guns. In nearly all these cases, however, more restrictive gun laws would not have stopped the shooters from legally obtaining a firearm. …show more content…

Gun laws won’t keep guns out of the hands of criminals. While most law abiding citizens would obey new gun control laws, criminals would not. And with an estimated 300 million firearms in the United States, obtaining a gun will never be difficult. Most massacres are caused by the use of legal weapons. Between 1982 and 2012, the United States had roughly sixty-two mass shootings. That is a huge number but out of the sixty-two shootings, forty-nine were perpetrated using legal weapons. Half of all mass shooters used assault weapons with high capacity magazines- meaning that a few sensible restrictions could be saved a lot of lives. Also to top the icing on the cake we already have too many guns in

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