
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

Better Essays

Keishaun Ellison
Mr. Beckwith
Senior English

After recent mass shootings, the gun control debate has reached the boiling point. We need gun control laws? Gun control, ownership, and laws should be changed immediately.”Did you know that 33 people are killed with guns every day in America? Something needs to be done about gun control because the death rate is steadily rising and guns are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. “One reason gun control laws should be changed, Gun control statistics reveal that although The United States accounts for only 5% of the world’s population, U.S residents own 50% of guns in the world.” ”The prevalence of suicide is 5 times higher in homes having guns.”In a …show more content…

For example the shooting at Columbine that was on the news in 1999. Two teenagers shot and killed twelve students and one teacher at their own school. The boys were later thought to be mentally ill, as with many of the people who commit a shooting such as this.” “Guns are even a central issue in 2016 is something of a turnaround. The last time this happened in a national election was in the wake of a 1994 assault-weapons ban that then President Bill Clinton signed into law just 56 days before the midterm elections. Gun-rights groups mounted a ferocious counter campaign, and Democrats lost a net 54 seats in the House and eight in the Senate.” What is so hard about making guns safer? If people are not willing to make guns safer, which is obviously the case, then there should be gun controls..Imagine how many of these accidental deaths could be prevented if guns can be kept out of the hands of children and the careless.The Council On Foreign Relations states that , “A so called “gun show loophole,” codified in The Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, effectively allows anyone, including convicted felons, to

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