How often do we consider how lucky we are to be free? To not have to be in constant fear of being assaulted. Mentally, physically or sexually. Victims of human trafficking live these horrors every day of their lives while we don’t even give them a thought. Human trafficking is an inhumane practice that needs to be stopped at all costs. By working together as a community or even on a larger scale, like the world, we can eradicate this problem. This essay will explore different actions that can be taken to approach a permanent solution to human trafficking such as the use of social media, monitoring of sex offenders and underground operations. The reality is that we go about our everyday lives, only worrying about ourselves, while some men, …show more content…
Among those actions, is spreading awareness through social media. This is an incredibly advantageous platform. In an advanced world like today, it is the easiest and fastest way to reach people all over the globe. The possibilities are endless. Simply looking up the words “human trafficking” will lead you straight to the number of a resource center. There are thousands of websites set up just for help and prevention. People from all over the world can participate in stopping innocent lives from being taken. As great as it is, social media has its disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is the fact that traffickers themselves can use social media to lure in their targets. Traffickers worldwide are increasingly using social media to contact vulnerable teenagers and sell them into sex work, quick to adopt the latest online platforms popular with teenagers, that has created new challenges for law enforcement agencies (VentureBeat, 2015). Some people use it for their own evil agendas by falsely accuse an innocent person of human trafficking. The police will not know who to believe and they will follow any lead they have. This could result in more innocent lives being ruined. This stems off from another con, which is false information. The internet is a vast place. There are millions of websites and sometimes it is almost impossible to know which ones are credible. But the ones that are, are playing an incredible role in the fight against
Sex trafficking is becoming more of a problem as time moves on. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harbouring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion [Internet Safety 101]. Sex trafficking is increasing due to the evolution of modern day social services and sources. From safety sources, it is the second fastest growing criminal industry, [Internet Safety 101]. Increasingly, sex trafficking is coming about due to the evolution of the internet and the improved ability of GPS tracking. On social media, many people find other people and try to be their friend, even if they don't know who they are. This provides opportunities for fake people to create more of a problem. The internet is providing different advertising places that can increase the effect of sex trafficking and lure in citizens to becoming victims. Sex trafficking has to come to an end for the safety of citizens, for the safety of their pride and dignity.
When one hears the words “Human sex trafficking”, they probably think of girls being stolen from their homes or lured into mysterious white vans and whisked away into the black market of sex trafficking. While these methods are not uncommon in the world of trafficking, the rise of technology and popularity of social media has given way to completely new opportunities for sex traffickers and pimps to scope out and lure potential trafficking victims. In the same way, this rise in technology and social media also offers law enforcement and special agencies new and unprecedented ways to stop black market deals before they happen, locate victims, set up sting operations,
Human trafficking is illegal trading in people for various forms of modern-day slavery such as forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation (Lee, 2007, p. 56). Thesis statement: technological transformation plays a crucial role in the facilitation of processes and practices that surround human trafficking. In particular, networking technologies such as the internet, social media, and mobile phones have served to increase the incidence of human trafficking. This paper looks into the ways in which various forms of technology facilitate different aspects of the human trafficking network such as recruitment, transit of victims, control of victims, advertisement of services, selling of services, and money transfer. It relies on literature
Human trafficking is a serious problem in modern society. In fact, the United Nations has referred to it as “one of the gravest human rights violations of our times” (“Secretary - General Calls Human Trafficking”). It is a fast growing industry that affects millions. No gender, age, or status is spared from the cruelty that is trafficking. To stress this point again, human trafficking is not just a problem of the “world” or “United States”, in general. As previously seen, it strikes very close to home, affecting hundreds of men, women, and children of our own community. In fact, “North Carolina ranked as a top-10 state for human trafficking with Charlotte being the top destination. It is estimated that more than 1,700 girls are trafficked
Human trafficking is already a severe crime in the United States. To make matters worse, it 's the sex trade that has the lives of so many young girls turned upside down. The single largest demographic age for new targets and victims is roughly between ages 12-14. New targets are chosen every day. Most are very random choices; but then again some are watched and even have contact with their abductor. The solution for the human trafficking issue can be in many various way and type. But the solution must be strong enough to prevent and bring the human trafficking criminal to justice. We need to help create counter-measures for the elimination and prevention of human trafficking of the United States through the heightening of targeted public awareness to individuals and organizations with the potential for contributing or raising funds.
Human sex trafficking is a worldwide problem and continues to grow nationwide. Human Trafficking is todays form of slavery. Sex trafficking is when someone is forced, through violence or threats to engage in commercial sex against their will. Sex trafficking happens because the traffickers can actually make money by selling their victims and forcing them into exploitation. Human trafficking is the modern day slavery, has many different methods, and needs to be recognized as a problem near our own hometowns so we can try our hardest to stop this nationwide problem.
The typical modern-day American is as busy as a bee and has thousands of things running through his or her mind every day. However, some men and women do not get to spend their days worrying about work, family and friends. Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery that affects 20.9 million victims worldwide. Sex trafficking victims’ basic human rights are violated every day they are exploited. Traffickers, the men or women who sell their victims for personal gain, recruit and trick their victims into believing the two share a genuine relationship to create vulnerability in their victim. When the trafficker gains his or her victim’s trust, they reveal their true intentions, sometimes by blackmailing and torturing their target until the victim
There was a girl named Jasmine, she was only 13 years old when she was taken at a bus stop from a man. She grew up in an impoverished family and was sexually abused at home. When this man took her, he promised luxury, beautiful clothes and a bright future. But she did not get what that man promised her, she got cycles of violence and exploitation which she could not escape for it. From that she was 14 and when she was 17 years old, her pimp had her on a prostitution circuit that moved from Las Vegas, San Diego, Portland, and Seattle. As human trafficking grows around the nation, North Carolina is ranked top 10 nationally associated with human trafficking. In 2016, there have been 181 reports involving human trafficking (Janicello). The definition of human trafficking states “the illegal trade of humans for purposes of reproductive slavery, sexual exploitation, forced labor or modern-day slavery” (Campbell).Human trafficking is a growing problem that happens around the world, and many people do not realize it
We live in an age where many of us only learn about slavery in school. It’s a stain on the history of our country--one we read about, write about, and then move on from. Unfortunately, some people are not so lucky. While it’s not widely discussed here in the United States, human slavery is still an issue many people face, and not just in other parts of the world. Every year it’s estimated that between 100,000 and 300,000 adolescents are sold for sex in the United States (Trafficking in America Task Force). This doesn’t include the additional 14,500 to 17,000 people who are trafficked into the U.S. from other countries annually (Alvarez). Trafficking is defined as “a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain,” by The Department of Homeland Security (Alvarez), or in other words, slavery. To make matters worse, this estimate is considered low because many human trafficking cases are never reported. While human trafficking is an issue on a global scale, it’s difficult to impede other parts of the world from participating in this underground trade while the U.S. has these same issues on its own soil. In order to fight this problem we need to implement solutions here at home that can serve as an example for other countries around the world. In my mind, there are three main issues we need to address that will set us in the right direction.
“People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.” – Unknown.
Globally, about 20 to 30 million people are involved in the human trafficking system, and of those, 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked in the United States every year. Human trafficking is more prevalent today then ever before. It is the third largest crime internationally. People are abused and taken advantage of. According to the article, “11 Facts About Human Trafficking,” on average, a person is forced into the system around age 9, and the majority of victims are women and girls, with a small percentage of men and boys. In addition, the human trafficking system is a $32 billion dollar industry. Human trafficking can be defined as the selling and trade of human beings, ranging anywhere from children to adults, for the purpose of
International trafficking of women and children is an epidemic sweeping large parts of Europe and The United States. This phenomenon has gained strength throughout recent decades and has grown to one of the highest grossing underground industries in the world. Many are not aware of the extent of this issue, and even those aware do not usually understand the complexity or brutality of the topic. By law, human trafficking is defined as, “The transportation of persons, both within and between countries, through deception or coercion into exploitative or slavery-like conditions. As an illegal activity, human trafficking encompasses both labor and sexual exploitation where the victims include men and women, adults, and children.” Awareness of human
Although millions of innocent women, men, and children fall victim to the despicable realm of human trafficking only hundreds are recovered. These people fall victim to endless torture, abuse, rape, and slavery. Traffickers use cunning methods to both hide their operations and force their victims into a life of submission. In a perfect world, human trafficking would be easily eradicated. However, because of cultural differences, dense populations, and clandestine traffickers, human trafficking cannot be stopped.
Picture a young girl lounging peacefully at her home. She sits on the floor, reading a book while the constant loud noise of city life buzzes in the background. Her mind wanders, thinking about anything and everything. She wonders when her mom will get back from the market so that she can tell her a joke she heard yesterday. Suddenly three large men storm inside the room, grabbing the girl by the arms and covering her mouth. A dark black bag is thrown over her head and everything turns black. Her body is flung into what feels like the back of a large van. The van speeds off as the girl feels a prick in her arm. Her senses slowly go numb, and she is fading away into a deep, deep sleep.
Human trafficking is an international issue that receives little media coverage or public attention, even though the practice is highly pervasive in multiple industries. The most notable in recent times is the seafood industry, who, while having knowledge of such acts, does not attempt to prevent the crime from occurring. Unfortunately, trafficking is a lucrative practice for traffickers and major business to engage in as there is little cost compared to the enormous profit. Consequently, the poor from third world countries are targeted as easy prey. The crushing poverty and lack of employment forces many into desperate situations. These traffickers create false promises of possible “jobs”, where they would only need to work for a few months, after which they would receive their payment. In actuality, those that accept the deal will most likely never see their family or home ever again. In addition, they will face horrifying conditions and brutality at the hands of the ship captains. This is all done in a bid to catch as many fish as possible to meet the high demand of cheap seafood from major companies as well as supermarkets, restaurants, and pet stores. With all these factors combined, the situation is one where major business and consumers alike are reliant upon the continued abuse and violation of human rights to be able to acquire their seafood. Wherein an “estimated 20-32 percent of wild-caught fish imported to the US comes from IUU fishing,” which translate over to