
Persuasive Essay On Hydrocodone

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One unfortunate afternoon, a girlfriend is driving home from work. She has had a long day at the office and is ecstatic to see her loving boyfriend. She pulls into the driveway and tries calling him, just to make sure he was home. He did not answer, so she assumes her boyfriend is showering. She walks in, calling her boyfriends name out multiple times. There was no reply. She gets frantic and starts searching the house. He is not in the living room, the kitchen or their bedroom, she finally looks in their bathroom and finds her boyfriend’s lifeless body sprawled on the ground, with a bottle labeled “Hydrocodone” next to him, completely empty. Hydrocodone is one of the common types of opioids that is causing many problems in the world today. In America, opioids have become a big issue. To this day, they still do not have a cure. But, they do have techniques to help prevent overdoses. Instead of being bystanders just reading about opioid overdoses or listening to talks about them and how they are affecting our country, they all can help out and make this crisis.
Opioids came about in the late 1890s and early 1900s. In 1898 the Bayer Co. created a “wonder drug” called heroin. Once addicts found that injecting it amplified the effects, it spread like wildfire. Also, in the early 1900s, morphine was created to help manage pain. Civil War veterans with injuries that were treated with morphine “were among those hooked on opioids at the turn of the century” (Moghe). Not a lot was

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