
Persuasive Essay On Life After Death

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"I want to die," is something I say every day, but what would death grant me? Humans are capable of comprehending their own mortality and have ideas on what could happen after death. So one might say their belief motivates people to live meaningfully. They can act on what they believe to make their own and other lives better and more meaningful. Equally important is the wish to create. Humans can make changes to the world that will collectively influence the future. However, time is limited and they must use it wisely. Death applies a deadline to life that makes procrastination have serious ramifications, serving as an instigator to some. Furthermore, death can be a release from suffering and pain. In these ways, death acts as a protection that prevents lives that have been made meaningful from becoming meaningless.

Whether they believe in a god or not, everyone has some idea on what might happen after death. Some believe in an afterlife, some believe in reincarnation, and others believe there is nothing after death. No matter a person's belief, one makes choices based on what they think will happen after death. Say there is life after death, then one must do good things to have a nice afterlife. Even if there is no afterlife the things one has done during life are not simply erased. Death may be the end-all for human consciousness, but what a person has done will still have ramifications in the living world, in the memories of the people who live on. This shows that death does not detract from life's meaning. There are many who risk their lives to do good and meaningful things, and one might say that their lives are meaningful because of that risk. In this case, if one could not die then that risk is insignificant, similar to how winning a game that is impossible to lose would be insignificant. This would cause their sacrifice, and consequently their lives, to be less meaningful, if not meaningless. In effect, the risk of death makes a person's actions much more meaningful. Kass writes: "To be mortal means that it is possible to give one’s life, not only in one moment, say, on the field of battle, but also in the many other ways in which we are able in action to rise above attachment to survival."(Trisel

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