
Persuasive Essay On Life After Death

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Death it happens to everyone, the question about American capital punishments is it humane to punish criminals by the great and last ultimatum of death. The fact that, death has numerous questions unanswered which leaves us uninformed. We have yet to discover life after death,individually we cannot continue to disregard the opportunity and taking advantage and discarding it.As a country we believe life is a game, however it's the opposite. We do not receive a second chance to achieve exceptional or worse . The real questions are ¨Can it be our life’s already scripted out, every second of our life wrote down, and recorded ? How we know what actually is life ? Can we be in a long never ending dream or maybe a comma ?(Lopez, Cnn)¨ These may seem like irrelevant questions, but it has an exceptionally complicated answer which no one can answer with facts. It can be as fictitious as statements stating that all of us dying someday. Rather society likes it or not we are aware of the possibility of death happening to us at any moment . For a variety of people death brings an unknown shiver against our bodies, but for small amount it brings a sense of calming and it is ridden with strength and a feel of accomplishment .However no one knows when exactly the inevitable will approach, but everyone knows it is inescapable. But what makes death seem further real to us and those in denial of it is the lucid pictures of women, men, and children dying. The death penalty may seem like a horrific torture, but did you know that it is available in 30 states? The killing of a criminal is something that is permitted by the government, which is a horrendous thing. There are several negativities with the death penalty;the fear of death force upon others, the ability that criminals are likely to receive redemption for their heinous crime, it is important for Americans to realize the prejudiced factors of the death penalty which should be abolished. Criminals who are on death trial have a very little disadvantage while trying to prove their case. The truth is that rather we accept it or not, taking life of someone is inhumane and ¨capital punishment is legalized murder .¨(Flanagan, UC Berkeley) However this argument is weak

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