
Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

Decent Essays

For people that want to live off a job that pays minimum wage than you'd love the very foolish law that california has been passed to raise minimum wage to 15 dollars by 2022. Which will cause inflation and “fast food restaurants will just become gateway jobs to start better professions” most workers will be replaced by machines. And for people that are on a salary they don't benefit from this because they have a set wages. California has poised to launch an experiment by raising statewide minimum wage to 15 dollars and hour by 2022. This means that they will be raising it one dollar each year for the next 4 years. “ About 600,000 of california 1.6 million manufacturing workers earn less than 15 dollars an hour”. So therefore people that can only find a minimum wage job can now make it by to some extent. Minimum wage being raised cause inflation because even though they raise wages everything else will possibly be raised to a high of 25%. So for the people that make minimum wages and …show more content…

In that case they will have to raise the wages for everyone.”if congress mandated fast food restaurant to pay 15 dollars an hour they would have to change operations to deliver the kind of productivity to justify those higher costs. That mean replacing workers with machines and that makes less jobs” If wages are increased to 15 dollars an hour some self owned restaurants will have to lay off workers because they will not be able to provide all the funds to pay the workers 15 dollars an hour, also all prices will increase and fast food won't really be an option for cheap fast meals because just to go to mcdonalds if will cost just as much to go to a restaurant so really who is benefiting from California raising wages. And at the same time more people could end up on welfare or living off the state, and then taxes may have to be

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