
Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

Decent Essays

The United States of America has often times been described as the land of opportunity, where a person can come to America with nothing but a dream, and make those dreams possible. With hard work, determination, and a plan, there are no limitations to the amount of success a person can achieve. Due to America’s economic growth, top colleges and universities, and the freedom the US allows its citizens, upward mobility is always possible. While most people strive for success, often times they forget that the road to claiming success will not be easy. When first looking for jobs with no work experience or trade, entry level positions such as, customer service, restaurant/food services industry, custodian work, housekeeping, etc. will be the positions that person will be most qualified for. Most of these jobs will start paying at minimum wage, which is legally the lowest wage per hour that an employer can pay its employees. Today the federal minimum wage is $7.25, and has been at this wage since 2009. While many states have a higher minimum wage than what is regulated federally, it is a very controversial topic in the United States of America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, “…Among those paid by the hour, 870,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour”. Due to the federal minimum wage being so low many people began to question if minimum wage was ethical. While the current federal minimum wage is not a “livable wage”, minimum wage

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