
Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

Decent Essays

Imagine counting spare change everyday hoping you have enough money to buy something to eat because your child has been in a state of hunger for what feels like years. The child is in a drab state, her young once bright eyes becoming duller by the day. Imagine just for a quick second that you don't have anything to give her, you can simply pray that she can escape this hell of a life one day. And what if you were doing all that you could for her by working three menial, minimum wage jobs and still couldn’t provide her with all that she needed? That’s exactly what is affecting millions of families across the nation. This issue is seen as a vicious circle that will not be resolved unless it is seen as the complex issue that affects our citizens in such a way that many would not be able to survive on this level.
Minimum wage, on the federal mandated level, is $7.25 an hour - a nearly impossible living wage in the United States. It must be remembered what was once said by the National Law Income Housing Coalition: “There is no state in the U.S. where a 40-hour minimum wage work week is enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment” (Source L). How is one expected to support themself, let alone a family, on such income provided that it is proven impossible! The argument that is commonly used against this thought is, if the federal minimum wage were to be increased, that would cost the government more to provide these higher paying jobs. Surely that may be true, but what is the cost of

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