
Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Energy

Decent Essays

Over the years, humans have increasingly relied on electricity to supply power to their homes and businesses, mainly through grid connected nuclear power plants, but understanding where this power comes from and how it is being generated isn’t something many are concerned with, nor do they have the knowledge to understand how the energy is created and what could happen if these nuclear power plants began to fail. While we now strive for newer clean forms of energy such as solar or wind power, nuclear energy still seems to be at the forefront of the clean energy revival due to the efficiency at which those power plants can produce electricity. Nuclear power plants like the one off the coast of Japan, Fukushima Daiichi, which was hit by a tsunami following a very large earthquake in March of 2011, have quickly become the poster child for newer clean fuel initiatives because of the uncontrollable leaking of harmful chemicals into our atmosphere and oceans. Arguably, these types of power plants, which produce and contain harmful radioisotopes to produce electricity, have been perceived as a growing problem for our environment and have increased health risks for the inhabitants surrounding the plants. Nuclear power plants emit very low-carbon emissions and have been labeled as one of the cleanest forms of energy production, nevertheless it produces chemicals that have the potential to be even more harmful than any carbon emission affecting our environment and future generations

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