
Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

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Organs found on the black market are often taken from the body of an unwilling victim. People going about their business abducted and violated to make some extra cash, which could be obtained legally if compensation for donors were legal. In 2005, about one thousand two hundred people died waiting for a kidney transplant, something that could have been prevented if only there wasn’t an organ shortage. The shortage of organs can be tied to the financial devastation that organ donors often succumb to because of medical bills, loss of work, etc. Organ donors should be reimbursed because the selling of organs on the black market would decrease, the organ shortage would minimize, and many people’s lives would be saved. Organ donors range from …show more content…

“Permitting and regulating organ sales leads to more humane conditions than outlawing sales” states Monti. The compensation for organ donation allows more people to be able to donate in a way that seem they are simply selling their organs in a legal way. If a person were to sell their organs to a doctor it would be safer and more efficient than to sell it in a back alley with a sketchy doctor operating. With more people donating for compensation there would be less need to sell on the black market and the illegal organ ring would eventually diminish. “By the end of 2000, more than forty thousand Americans will have died since 1988 awaiting an organ transplant” (Pence). Humans each day die waiting for organ transplants that may never come because of the organ shortage that looms over the United States. Organ donors are in high demand to save multiple people’s lives, in fact, for one dead donor there is a possibility of saving eight lives. People may be more inclined to be living donors if they got compensation for their deed. Gregory E. Pence states, “Medicine has the scientific capacity, the facilities, and the personnel to save them, but the taboo against rewarded donation prevents it from doing so”. The moral and ethical issues that seem to make compensation for organ donation illegal can also be taken into consideration since law treasures saving their money over another person’s life.

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