
Persuasive Essay On Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood was founded on the revolutionary idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams — no ceilings, no limits (Planned Parenthood). With over 600 health centers, the people of Planned Parenthood have dedicated themselves to keep women informed, healthy, and educated in sexual education, and sexual health (Planned Parenthood). While all seemingly good intentions, Planned Parenthood has been A topic of controversy for many years, practically since it opened in the year 1916.
While democrats stand behind Planned Parenthood, republicans are firmly against it. From a republican point of view it is wrong to have the government funding something that supports, …show more content…

To the democrats, cutting funding is about much more than just abortions. Planned Parenthood is the primary source of health care to many people, many families. In the year 2014 20.2 million women in the US were in need of publicly funded family planning services like Planned Parenthood(Debra Goldschmidt, Ashley Strickland). According to a 2016 survey, 26% of patients at a Planned Parenthood site said it was the only place they could go for the services they required. It also participates in many research projects to further their knowledge. If Planned Parenthood centers are defunded, there is no way of knowing that other health care providers will be able to serve their patients . While republicans focus on the abortion aspect of Planned Parenthood, statistics show that Abortions make up only 3 % of what Planned Parenthood is about (Michelle Ye Hee Lee). In the Planned Parenthood annual report of 2013 it showed that 42% of their services were for STI/STD testing and treatment. Another 34 % was for contraception. 9% went to cancer screenings and interventions, 11% went to other women's health services, and 1% went to other services in general.Planned Parenthood’s affiliated clinics provided 10.6 million services for 2.7 million during this period (Michelle Ye Hee Lee) . So statistically abortion makes up for the second smallest service that Planned Parenthood accounted for.
To focus on the Republican view, most people

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