
Persuasive Essay On Police Brutality

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We are always taught from a young age that if we are in trouble to find a police officer - we can trust them, right? Wrong. Many of these so-called upholders of the law have become the offenders themselves. The very people that are meant to protect society from harm are now the people that are shooting, assaulting, and even killing innocent victims. Imagine not being able to walk out of your front door without fearing for your life, with this threat coming from the so-called “protectors” of society. That is the reality that many people have to face. That is the reality of police brutality.

In the early hours of March 3, 1991, a California taxi driver named Rodney King was involved in a high speed chase with the police, and then apprehended and arrested. At least, that was the story given by the police until the full story and footage of the arrest came out. King's two passengers, Bryant Allen and Freddie Helms were thrown to the ground and kicked, stamped on, threatened, and hit in the head, and when King exited the vehicle, he too was thrown down on the ground, just before the footage starts. The footage shows King being tasered twice by Stacey Koon, the highest ranking officer at the scene. King then rises to flee the attack, but collides with Officer Powell, and is struck to the ground with Powell’s baton, and is then struck several more times, joined by another officer, with Koon ordering this violence, even though King was subdued by this point. As he tries to stand,

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