
Persuasive Essay On Police Brutality

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blacks if they feel safe I this country, many of them will say “no”. In the country, the growing rate of police brutality against the young black continues to be an issue. Many blacks had been killed by the police officer for reasons that were not good enough for them to be shot and killed. According to the data collected for the counted, black males aged 15-34 were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by the law enforcement (Jon Swaine and Ciara McCarthy). An example is the case of Freddie Gray who was illegally arrested by the police on Baltimore Street, and was maltreated during the time he was arrested and the time he was taken to the hospital which caused his life because sustained a spinal cord injury. Also, the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson because he stole a cigarette in a store of the area was inappropriate. The punishment that is attributed for stilling cigarette is far from the death penalty. The officer did judge his color and shot him to death. Recently, many other cases like these two mentioned had happened in the black communities, making the blacks to feel unsafe in their country with the law enforcement whose principal roles is to protect them. Beside the threats from the homegrown terrorist, America is also facing threats from the radical Islamic groups from overseas. Since the attack of September 11 and the killing of Bin Laden, who was the head of the Al Qaeda group, there have been a rage and revenge of the Islamic group

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