
Persuasive Essay On Privatization Of Water

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There are certain things in life that people take for granted when living in a first world country. Some of these include sanitation and water.
Considering that the water supply of the world is becoming more contaminated each day, the privatization of water is a topic of much controversy. We all know that water is essential for life, but should this priceless resource be used for windfall profits or should it be considered a human right?
According to most resources by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population will run low on drinking water. The World Bank Group pushes privatization as a solution to the water issue. World Bank is the largest funder of water management in the world, with loans and financing fed through the group’s International …show more content…

Around the biosphere, rivers, lakes, and aquifers are diminishing faster than Mother Nature can possibly replace them; business and household chemicals are quickly polluting what’s left. Meanwhile, global population is ticking upward. Goldman Sachs guesstimates that global water intake is doubling every 20 years, and the United Nations considers demand to surpass stock by more than 30 percent come 2040. In the industrialized world, America particularly, it’s easy to take water for granted. Turn on any tap, and it comes rushing out, sparkling and abundant, even in the parched Southwest, where the Colorado River Basin is besieged through its 11th year of scarcity; in most cities a month’s stock still costs less than first-rate cable or a lavish cell-phone plan. Many of us have no knowledge where our water comes from, let alone who retains it. In fact, most of us would probably reach a decision that water is too valuable for anybody to own. But the privileges to deter water from a river or lake or underground aquifer are indeed sellable merchandises; as well as the plants and pipes that clean the water and carry it to our taps. As demand surpasses supply, those supplies are set to appreciate quickly. According to a 2009 report by the World Bank, “private investment in the water industry is set to double in the next five years; the water-supply market alone will increase by 20

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