
Persuasive Essay On Rape

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“Jackie”, a freshman student at the University of Virginia, was brutally raped by 7 men after a fraternity party. She was lured up to a 3rd floor room by a man named “Drew”, and in the weeks in months after her assault she says, “He acted as though nothing unusual had happened, even thanking me for a ‘great time’”. Drew and his 6 friends who committed this assault, graduated that fall from UVA and were never charged for their crime. Jackie never received the justice she so desperately needed. Why? Because UVA handled her rape allegations internally, and a call was never made to the police. Yet another example of this occured at the prestigious Stanford University. This time to a sophomore, who had met a star player on the Stanford football team one Saturday night. She was raped. The football player claimed it was consensual. The women wanted to go through the correct channels so she first reported it to her school. Because of Title IX’s lax policies towards investigations, it was up to five board members to decide if sexual assault has occurred that night. They decided it hadn’t, without so much as rape kit. The woman said her investigation was shoved under the rug, “I realized that I got into this school and deserved to get an education here. He was a valued player, but I had earned my right to be here, too.” Under Title IX, it is up to colleges to adjudicate their cases of rape and sexual assault as they please,allowing them no only to never investigate, but to do so

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