
Persuasive Essay On Recycling

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Everyday people throw away plastic that can easily be recycled. Recycling is an easy process and can save the environment money and energy. By recycling earth will be a cleaner and less polluted. Actions taken by recycling have benefited many other countries. Recycling should be a must in every state. Recycling has been around for many ages. People from all over the world recycle and even animals do. “The phrase ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ is taught to children all over the world in the hope of creating a clean environment” (Kukreja). Schools and parents are teaching the young ones this concept early so they will have a cleaner lifestyle in the future. By teaching kids this it will allow them to understand recycling at such a young age and they will be able to carry it on. Around the world “many people have found that their collective efforts in proper waste disposal have made their towns cleaner and happier” (Kukreja). By recycling people are bettering themselves and their attitude of the environment is changing. This process reduces the need for landfills which cancels out the smells and toxic mess. There have been many attempts to enforce recycling and many states have. “Many simple programs that make a community stronger can be built upon the many benefits of recycling” (Kukreja). Recycling brings people together while making earth a cleaner place. People have found that going with friends makes it a better time while changing the atmosphere for good. First off recycling can benefit people by giving them cash back. In states “most governments have policies in place which give financial benefits to those who recycle” (Kukreja). Recycling can be extremely time consuming and hard so they get the benefit of that. Different towns have different opportunities for people who recycle such as money, volunteer hours, and benefits. While recycling “old newspapers, appliances, plastic, rubber, steel, copper and even beer cans can be sold for money” (Kukreja). These are all easy things that you have around people's homes. By taking these and putting them in separate bins people can earn cash. Many citizens recycle to earn a little more cash without having to get a second job. While cleaning up these around

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