
Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy

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Groups Question (environmental / Political/historical)
Is renewable energy sustainable and if not, when will it be ready to replace fossil fuels in the United States? Imagine yourself In 33 years. What do you see? Hopefully your basic amenities such as hot water, A/C unit, car, and lights. Now let me tell you what the scientists see. By 2050 scientists see electric cars, solar panels, and almost a complete switch to Renewable Energy. . Renewable energy, a intricate and complex topic, is an upcoming event, and if we don’t begin to take measures towards it now, fossil fuels could be wiped forever. Yes, it's true it's calculated that we have almost 80 years until all natural gas is nullified, but you can’t sleep on that, time flies and there’s not a reason not to start evolving renewable energy now. Remember renewable energy hasn’t peaked, we’ve just dipped into renewable energy and it's on the incline. To give you a better understanding of renewable energy I'll first give the benefits of renewable energy. First of all, it’s reliable, if put into the right geographical location it will far exceed that of fossil fuels. Also there are multiple types of renewable energy, which creates a greater diversity rather than fossil fuels. Once put into place the cost operation is very small, and with this an astronomical amount of jobs would be created. The Concerned Scientists, unbiased and non-profit organization, argues right now electricity production accounts for more than one

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