
Persuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage

Decent Essays

The topic of same-sex marriage is important to me, as well as many other people, because people should not be deprived of their right to love others. I grew up in a private, Christian school, where the idea of being gay was not something you talked about; it was viewed as something that was impossible, just an imaginary idea. Once I got out that school, I began watching the news and reading articles online that proved there was such a thing as being gay; that being gay was common. According to Gallup, 4.1% of Americans identified as being part of the LGBT+ community in 2016; that’s about 10 million American adults. I began realizing after seeing the hate and violence towards people of the LGBT+ community, that these were just people fighting for rights to love each other. I never thought in America that people would have to fight for such a thing; it should have been granted immediately since there is no political reason why two people of the same gender should not marry. Yet, church and state were supposed to be separate; the freedom of religion is for the people to worship whatever deity they wanted, not to limit other people’s rights.
When people go to get married, normally they do not think about this act as being illegal or a crime. However, it was not until June 26, 2015 that same-sex couples could get married in the United States. On that day, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right protected by the US Constitution in all 50 states. Although it was

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