
Persuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage

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The issue of same sex marriage is an arguement that everyone has heard before. Some states, like California, argue incessantly about it; they pass and repeal the same few bills and laws dozens of times before anything gets done. In other countries, Canada for example, it is legal universally. Not allowing same sex marriage is a violation of constitutional law (Gannon). The constitution says that we all have equal rights, yet part of the population isn’t allowed to marry the people they love. Though the LGBT population in the United States is only roughly 2%, they are still a valuable part of the community. Every human should be able to be married, no matter what their gender preference. Love is love, whether it’s between a man and …show more content…

The catholic church’s stance on same sex marriage, and homosexuality in general, is often misconstrued. Most people think that simply because a person is Catholic, they are against gay rights; or in some cases even homophobic. In the catechism it states that “tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementary. I completely agree with same sex marriage. What is the harm in marrying the person you really love? Us, heterosexual people do it almost everyday. As far as the community and children's views, I believe this issue should be showed publicly and explained to this generation. Especially to the children that are old enough to ask questions and understand that the life they live maybe considered "different". Now, I am not saying we must go in dept or deep detail about the life of a gay person or transgender. Just simply explain to them that gays and transgenders have their own prefrences or their own ways of doing things in life but we are human beings and all deserved to be treated equally. Most kids are now discovering their sexually prefrences while still in school. I applaud the new generation of kids that are not ashamed of who they are and really want. You just cannot discriminate againist someone for liking what they like. What if we lived in a world where like the opposite

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