
Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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As we all know the rate our world is Reproducing new children everyday, And our population is always increasing and only growing more and more. Our world is heavily over populated and we are not doing anything about it. Not only are we not inforcing to protect or family and loved ones from harm due to the sick individuals in our world today but we are setting them up for failure as well. STDs are not a game to mess with, when I attended elementary school sex education was talked about once and only once when I was about 10. Who at the age of ten will remember any of that information? Which I did not, unfortunately. One-third of 15-year-old girls say that neither of their parents has talked to them about how pregnancy occurs; about half say neither parent has discussed contraception or STDs. How true is that. And Teen childbearing is a much-studied, confounding public policy topic that is closely associated with a multitude of social issues, including persistent poverty, school failure, child abuse and neglect, health and mental health issues. Younger teens are often uninformed about how to make a child. Only 10 states have sex ed class with clear messages about contraception at the junior high school level; only Iowa includes material about contraception at the elementary school level. My school sure as heck did not! We can not rely on the technology or time to try and help us find a solution to our problem we need to help ourselves and our children now by preventing it now

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