
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Too many people get killed daily from texting and driving and too many are killed daily. So many young people have lost their lives from texting or going in snapchat, it’s not just from driving, it could be from crossing the street and not seeing traffic. We are too distracted from technology these days we don’t worry about the reality, we are only worried about what is on our phones. We could miss our kids first steps due to staring at that screen and commenting and sharing posts on facebook instead. You have a big class assignment due tomorrow and the first thing you do when you get home is turn on your Xbox or Playstation and start playing video games until it’s too late to try and do your homework. During work you’re on your phone texting your friends planning a party for the weekend instead of doing what you’re supposed to be doing when you’re at work. Technology has distracted us to the point where we are texting and driving, skipping school work, getting distracted from work, and not worried about reality anymore. Many teenagers around the united states are killed due to texting and driving or are just on their phone while they’re driving. Any moment in the day 660,000 drivers are on their cell phones just so they can text there buddy or post a selfie on snapchat. Over 8 people are killed and 1,161 are injured daily due to the texting and driving outrage. Drivers that text and drive are usually around the age of 16-24 years of age. Therefore, there needs to be a stop to this nonsense. How do we do this? We let everybody know how many lives are lost due to texting and driving, how many people cared about the life that was lost because they were texting and even if it is just one second on your phone, one second can end in a bad result. Right now there is no legal ban on texting and driving, if we put strict laws on this maybe, just maybe it will help stop people up their cell phones when they are not needed. Nobody should encourage texting and driving, if you cared about your friend and they’re texting you while they are driving, don’t reply, save a life. Maybe it’s an important phone call, maybe your brother is in the hospital, it doesn’t take but ten seconds to pull over and answer the phone call.

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