
Persuasive Essay On The Driving Age

Decent Essays

Do you really wanna be locked up at your house until you're 18 just because you can't drive yet. The driving age should not be raised it should stay at 16, teens that are sixteen years old should be able to start driving. The first time behind the wheel, with no parents, just you and the car. Of course, kids will have to be more careful, and more responsible while driving. The reasons why I say that the driving age shouldn't change is because kids in high school are in sports or in after-school activities and parents may not be able to pick or drop them off, they can help their parents with errands, and lastly, kids are working at that age.

Teens in high school are in sports or in after-school activities. Having the kids to wait for the parents to come and pick them up to go drop them off may be a pain cause the kids will be late to practice. "In our school, there are many after-school activities such as tutoring, sports, clubs and other events. If students were unable to drive, then most of the after-school activities would be unsuccessful." This student is talking about how being late to an activity or a sport will affect you from playing or even joining a club. "This really affects the students because they have after-school activities, work, games, meetings, and on top of that they get hours and hours of homework." When being late to a game, or even work you're pretty much going to have to spend extra time for being late or maybe not even showing up cause your parents didn't pick you up on time. They can help their parents with errands.

Teens being able to help their parents with errands would be a lot more helpful. When parents are not able to pick up someone or go get something from the store their kids could do that for them. "With their driving license students can at least run their small errands like paying a visit to the library for research or going to the store to get something, even the small thing has a big influence on us." Even the kids could go and do errands that they need to do, having them drive would be so much better. "Don't want constantly use their parents as a "taxi" While the kids having to go somewhere they will be asking their parents to take them somewhere every

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