
Persuasive Essay On The Travel Ban

Decent Essays

What would happen if a certain family terrorized a home? If a home was under attack, even though not every family member is attacking, the family would not be allowed into the home due to the home not wanting to be hurt from the inside. That is what it is like for America when a certain culture terrorizes the nation. The travel ban is keeping a culture out, not because of the race, but because this culture is risking the safety of a nation. The travel ban of certain Muslim nations strengthens our national security, targets terrorism, and is constitutional within the United States of America. Those who oppose the travel ban argue that it is not strengthening our national security because there are already people of Muslim nations in America and that the visa insurance process is still active and does not discriminate. When Executive Order 9066 was taking place in Washington, Oregon, California, and Arizona, between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry were moved to internment camps (“Executive,” n.d.). If there was this many Japanese ancestry in America in 1942, why would America not have that many or more Muslims in 2017? The Muslim nations have been coming to America in the early fourteenth century, the early sixteenth century, etc (“Islam in America,” n.d.). The visa insurance process claims that “no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person’s race, sex, nationality,

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