
Persuasive Essay On Underage Drinking

Decent Essays

Time flies when you’re having fun. It can fly so fast that it can eventually stop. Underage drinking claims the lives of 4,300 18-20-year-olds a year. Now these 18-20-year-olds usually source their alcohol from their 21-24-year-old peers. Now, if you think about it, the 18-20-year-olds are 1-5 years off of the current legal drinking age. If we were to lower the drinking age to 18, let’s take 1-5 years off that. We would find more 13-year-olds and below drinking and binge drinking. The statistics for high school drinkers now, 34% of them have drank in the last 30 days and of those 34%, 17% are binge drinking. Now imagine those statistics on our middle schoolers. There could potentially be people who are not even hitting puberty yet and they’re binge drinking. In 2010, there were almost 200,000, um, cases at the emergency room due to underage drinking or injuries related to alcohol from people who are under 21. Not only could this be totally prevented but people who drink um are six times more likely to gain alcohol dependence when they start drinking at the age of 15 than if they start drinking at the age of 21 and this can lead to greater problems. Not only can that happen but it can also affect the development of the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe is essential for uh organization, memory, it’s also essential for emotions. And when the development of the frontal lobe is compromised, this can lead to greater uh risks suicide, it can lead to depression, addiction, violence,

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