
Persuasive Essay: Should Kids Have A Summer Break?

Decent Essays

Samuel Frederking 6th Hour Language Arts
Mrs. Misselhorn
29 March 2017
Should Kids Have a Summer Break?
We shouldn’t have to go to year-round school one reason is there is too much stress in the schools can cause things bad to happen. Also you it will mess up yours and other people’s schedules. Furthermore, you can do other educational activities while going through the summer to remember what you were taught in the past year, for example, you can print out math sheets to work on (what you learned in the past year) to work on.

The first reason why kids should have summer break is, because it messes up the schedule of other schools and the people around you. According to Jaclyn Zubrzycki, if you spend too much time in the classroom you …show more content…

According to (Mass Literacy) you can read books and take a quiz to increase your memory. You can also print math worksheets of the internet. According to (Great! Schools) you can create a little building to increase math. Another reason is you can act out plays without the script to increase your memory. You can use math in the real world by for example going to the store with your family and help them figure out the cost or you can build with your family to use fractions and measurements of the wood or whatever you’re building with. You can also do flash cards to remember. One reason we should have year-round school is, there wouldn’t be an overflowing class room, because according to (Screenflex) there would be four different tracks. When one track is on vacation the other three will still be working in school. While this is happening the classrooms won’t be so packed so you don’t have to bring in extra chairs or desk. Another example is kids will be able to focus better if there are less kids in a classroom because they won’t be surrounded by other kids so they won’t talk. Some kids might still talk, but most of them will more work

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