
Persuasive Essay Smoking

Decent Essays

Smoking is the leading cause of over 480,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. This makes smoking the second leading cause of death in the United States. Smoking is a serious issue that has been limited throughout time, but these limitations are not enough. Smoking needs to be eliminated, it needs to be illegal. Smoking causes many complications for your health, the environment, and others. Smoking is known to cause many serious diseases and completely damage one's health. As a consequence of smoking, it can affect one's physical appearance. Smoking can affect one's appearance in numerous ways such as yellow teeth, stretch marks, aging quicker, age spots, yellow nails, and the list goes on. Smoking mainly affects your skin because the smoke from cigarettes contains carbon monoxide. When you smoke you are breathing in carbon monoxide which replaces the oxygen in your skin. Also, since cigarettes contain nicotine, a toxic colorless oily liquid, it reduces the blood flow to one's skin. Since you are not receiving oxygen or blood flow to your skin it causes your skin to become dry and discolored. Smoking also has a great impact on the smoker’s voice. When a smoker smokes it degrades their lung function, this means that there is a lack of airflow causing a smokers voice to become deeper and raspy. Smoking mainly damages the vocal cords because the smoke irritates and dries the tissue. Smoking can cause irreversible damage to one's physical features, but the biggest scare is what happens on the inside of a smoker's body. Smoking puts you at extraordinarily high risks for multiple types of cancers; that can develop almost anywhere inside the body. The most common cancers a smoker can develop are stomach, lung, mouth and throat, bladder, cervix, kidney, liver, and pancreas. Doctors believe that smoking can put you at risk for at least thirteen different types of cancers. Smoking has an immense effect on the lungs which causes a huge risk for lung cancer. Smokefree NHS states, “Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma are just the start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary

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