
Persuasive Essay Topics For Research Paper

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Is it safe for teens to sail?

Over the years there has been many unfortunate boating accidents; going offshore, attempting to sail around the world, and even during lessons! This now makes us think, should teens be allowed to boat?
Stance: In the four articles, Annapolis teen dies in fatal boating accident, Abby Sunderland, Teen Sailor Found Alive After Crisis at Sea, Marine experts say missing Fla. teenagers should not have been alone offshore , only one survived and did not have her boat capsized. This shows that teens should not be allowed to sail. A lot of teens are great sailors, a few of those great sailors tried going offshore, but it didn’t end well. For example, two teen boys went offshore and were never found. It isn’t safe for …show more content…

“Should I send a teenager who has no experience with crisis out into the largest wilderness in the world, completely surrounded on all sides by something that will kill them if they get in it?” Teens should not sail because even though you can see the surface of the water, you don’t know what lies beneath. The water can be calm, but at the same time can be vicious.

The boaters passed the boating test, but the test doesn’t put you in a real-life crisis. “Teenagers can spend years on the water and still be emotionally and mentally unprepared to deal with emergency situations.” Even though they might be prepared physically, they might not be emotionally. For example when you hit the water, you can barely move, because the water is cold and you’re in shock.

When a person boats, it’s hard not to get caught up in the scene.“You can see the shore, it’s beautiful, you can get caught up in the color of the water and the dolphins and the birds, and you feel so much a part of all of it. If you get caught up in the wonder, you forget this place can also kill you.” The story, Rogue Wave, is a good example of that. Two Florida teens were boating and it was a beautiful day. Out of nowhere the wall of water took down their ship. That’s what can happen if you’re at the wrong place at the wrong

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