
Persuasive Essay Why Utopia's Fail

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People have wondered if there would ever be a perfect society or where they are treated equally?Or learn the same thing as you have and the same clothes as you?Utopia is a world that is perfect and where everyone gets along.They get fed,they have a job they follow the rules they don't break laws everyone is treated equally.They will be alright for a while,but there is always a person that has a different opinion.They will find a way where they can show people what feelings are and so much more.Well that's how they fail.When there is a Utopian community it will always fail. A utopia is not possible.Why? Well it will last for a while,but it will fail because no one is perfect everyone has problems in their lives they want to discover, more to …show more content…

The second reason that a utopian society is not possible is because people have
History and technology nowadays.They will be able to go on their phones and they won't see a perfect life easy as that.History is an important thing to have.In the article
“Why Utopias Fail’” it states that James Madison once said “If men were angels,no government would be necessary”. This clearly says that a perfect world or society

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