People have wondered if there would ever be a perfect society or where they are treated equally?Or learn the same thing as you have and the same clothes as you?Utopia is a world that is perfect and where everyone gets along.They get fed,they have a job they follow the rules they don't break laws everyone is treated equally.They will be alright for a while,but there is always a person that has a different opinion.They will find a way where they can show people what feelings are and so much more.Well that's how they fail.When there is a Utopian community it will always fail. A utopia is not possible.Why? Well it will last for a while,but it will fail because no one is perfect everyone has problems in their lives they want to discover, more to …show more content…
The second reason that a utopian society is not possible is because people have
History and technology nowadays.They will be able to go on their phones and they won't see a perfect life easy as that.History is an important thing to have.In the article
“Why Utopias Fail’” it states that James Madison once said “If men were angels,no government would be necessary”. This clearly says that a perfect world or society
Each person has their own vision of utopia. Utopia means an ideal state, a paradise, a land of enchantment. It has been a central part of the history of ideas in Western Civilization. Philosophers and writers continue to imagine and conceive plans for an ideal state even today. They use models of ideal government to express their ideas on contemporary issues and political conditions. Man has never of comparing the real and ideal, actuality and dream, and the stark facts of human condition and hypothetical versions of optimum life and government.
I said before no, and that is what i am saying now i do not think that other people's opinions should affect your own choices or destiny. I believe this because you should do what you want, what makes you happy. It doesn't matter what other people are thinking as long as you're happy with what you're doing in your life it shouldn't matter what others think. All of the stories that I read about star crossed lovers demonstrated this by being with the person that they were not allowed to see and that should have been their enemy.
People threw bones and ligaments and other inedible body parts at their televisions, having licked off the juice, refusing to pay homage to a dead God.
such horribly bad form to go on and on like this with one man" (40). In
Most Utopian communities failed because they were based on false
Throughout history, many utopian societies have been established in hopes of creating a protected and uniform environment. In order to maintain a perfectly equal and errorless environment, some basic human rights are often violated. Many of the utopian principles put in place are based on the fear that the citizens will gain knowledge and notice the absence of their basic human rights. Unfortunately, once the citizens figure out that the government has infringed on their civil liberties they become disillusioned and want to revolt. This ultimately causes dissention and unhappiness throughout the utopia, which defeats the sole intention the leaders had when creating it. To avoid the rebellion, leaders of utopian experiments infringe on
Although comparing one society to another does not require them to be different in government or human behavior, it does necessarily weight one’s faults against its victories to render it better or worse than the other. This comparative structure, found between Thomas More’s two books of Utopia, poses the country of Utopia opposite the broader communities of world civilization. Despite the comparison of Utopia as distinct from and morally better than widespread society, in truth Utopia is, at best, an extension.
One main problem in this current society is racism or racial preference. This current society broke its people’s trust by police brutality. The most important thing that needs to be fixed in this society is equality; no matter race every human needs to be treated like a human not “alien”. In a perfect society, people are nice to each other and actually let others explain why he/she did what he/she did. Although many laws give rights to the person, these laws should not be for a certain race. This Utopia will consist of a theocratic government. Makarios means blessed or happy and that will be the name of Utopia.
When all the people in this society has to be equal, there is no one special.
Firchow, Peter Edgerly. "George Orwell's Dystopias: From Animal Farm to Nineteen Eighty-Four." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 11 Mar. 201
I think a Utopian society because there can be many things that could go wrong. When, you have a Utopian society you will most likely, always have a rebellion that consists of people who are angered and don’t like the system you have made. These people will bring the downfall of your society. For example, in The Giver Jonas doesn’t like the decisions the creators of their community have made. Jonas wants choice in life, but he is not given that because the elders don’t want people to make the wrong choices and regret it.
Sir Thomas More writes, in his book Utopia, about a society that is perfect in practically ever sense. The people all work an equal amount and everything they need for survival is provided. Most importantly is that everyone living in this perfect society is happy and content with their everyday lives. In this society everybody supports everyone. The community is only as strong as its weakest link. For society to progress everyone must work together. Opponents of the Utopian system, however, feel that the strong should not have to look after the weak. Progress would be maximized if all the resources are spent on the people most qualified to help society. A Utopian society, as perfect as the one
Achieving a utopian society is impossible due to the nature of a utopia, conflicting beliefs, and eventual corruption. The most prevalent reason for the failure of a utopia is that the concept is only a fictional society and therefore can not be successfully recreated. The
From Plato's The Republic to Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, the search for a perfect social state has never stopped; its ultimate goal of achieving a human society that exists in absolute harmony with all due social justice, however, has proved to be woefully elusive. The pure concept of a utopia can be theoretically visualized as a perfect geometric circle: one that is seamless, all-inclusive, yet impossible to draw out in reality.
Utopia Gone Wrong “1983” It was a warm, bright morning in August, and the birds were singing while the children were playing. Among them was a young boy, Winston Smith, about the age of four years old. He was a particular boy; one who observed his surroundings. No one could imagine how his brain functioned, it just did. The Smith family was very well off.