
Persuasive Essay on Antigone vs. Crean

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Are Antigone and Creon the Converse of Each Other? Antigone is the antithesis of Creon. The play, Antigone, by Sophocles translated by Paul Roche is a tragedy. It starts off with Antigone telling her sister, Ismene, that Creon, the king and their uncle, has made an edict that their brother, Polyneces, will not receive a proper burial and will be left to be eaten by carrion birds and dogs because he is a traitor. Their other brother Eteocles, will be given a proper burial, as he fought for Thebes. Antigone also tells her sister that she is going to bury him anyway, but Ismene decides not to help, for fear of their place as women. Antigone is caught and sent to a stone tomb to starve to death. Haemon, Creon’s son and Antigone’s betrothed, …show more content…

“But he is my brother still, and yours, though you would have it otherwise, but I shall not abandon him.”(Sophocles 193). Antogone is very dedicated to her brother. Creon however finds Polyneces’s deed unacceptable and that his punishment should stand. “And I find it intolerable the man who puts his country second his friends.”(199). Creon believes patriotism is stronger than friendship or bonds. Creon expresses his disregard of the impact of friendship and bonds many times throughout the play. “Now naturally there is no way to tell the mettle of a man until you’ve seen him govern.”(198). Creon believes that a persons true personality is not revealed until they have ruled over something. Antigone and Creon are both strong willed and will risk their lives and positions to fight for what they feel is right. Both characters also express hubris. Even so Antigone and Creon are completely different because they are fighting for completely different things. Antigone attacks Creon by accusing him of hubris. “I never thought your moral edicts had such force they nullified the laws of heaven.” (210). Antigone strongly disagrees with Creon. Creon is fighting for law and order, and heavily believes that Polyneces should not be buried because he is a traitor. Antigone is fighting for Polyneces to have a proper burial, and for justice and understanding. These two characters conflict in almost everyway imaginable. Antigone thinks death is a

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