
Persuasive Speech About Concussions

Decent Essays

Pierick 1
Tanner J. Pierick
Professor Richard Nunez
English 121
11 December 2017
To Play or Not To Play? People all around the world have participated in sports for decades. Americans in particular have enjoyed playing football since the early 1900’s. The most notable association is the National Football League (NFL). In the NFL each season ends with the Super Bowl, an unofficial holiday in the United State of America. Players who achieve accolades from exceptional performance in the NFL are inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame. As of August 5, 2017, there was a total of 310 players in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. This exclusive group welcomed its first class in 1963 and continues to expand each year as new members are added. Underneath all this fame and glory is a critical problem: concussions. The men who play football are made of flesh and blood. They are not machines. Often times, these men start playing football at a young age. Contrary to history, children should not start playing contact football at such an early age due to the documented negative effects of concussions. Numbers don’t lie. In 2012 alone, 3.8 million concussions were reported nationally. High school football is responsible for 47% of all reported concussions. Statistics show that in a single season, one in five high school football athletes will experience a concussion. In a 2004 study, “more than 50% of concussions sustained by high school football players go

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