
Persuasive Speech About Otp

Decent Essays

Why you should care

You are receiving the worst possible deal. Let me recap.

OTPs are constructs based on content we consume on screens or on stages. They are a hunt for photos and videos showing interactions between two idols in order to understand a relationship or refine a story.

Unless the group breaks apart, that hunt will never end. In order to observe the interactions, we consume content and stay engaged with that group.

In the process, we spend a lot of time and probably money while gaining nothing. Nothing. What do you gain from your OTP? Happiness? Entertainment? Please. We know of better ways.

We do not want to here it but here is the truth: Our OTP is an addiction. It will not put us in a hospital, but it does leave damage. …show more content…

Do you know how they interact off camera? Can you be sure the OTP is not boosted by the company, making the genuine relationship look like something it is not?

So, please, stop making assumptions. You simply cannot draw conclusions from such limited information.

If you still do this, though, then you are projecting wishes and ideas onto that OTP. You are making the OTP something you created, it does not exist like that, it is merely a story. By interpreting limited interactions with a background story that you do not know, and calling this an OTP, you created a story. The more content you consume, the more you can unfold and refine it, this is what makes OTPs fascinating.

However, your OTP is not real. Because you are missing a huge part of the puzzle to be able to make assumptions about a relationship, it is a product of your imagination. How your OTP behaves in the future will not be in accordance with your storybook. It creates its dynamic based on a backstory we do not know (and some company intervention).

You are not obsessed with a relationship between two people, you are obsessed with a story you created. By consuming more content, you are refining that story. However, as long as you cannot read minds, you will never end up with how those people truly …show more content…

We engage in a seemingly reciprocal relationship with that group. Of course, this is an illusion. The members of the group do not know us. They have no idea who we truly are. Still, broadcasts feel like we know them better than some of our friends. But we do not.

The key idea is that because we feel close to our idols, we regularly consume their content and buy their products. Engagement results in revenue, not a hundred percent, but obviously enough to create entire show buildings. OTPs are one of the ways we keep engaged with a group.

Remember, the relationship that we see between two idols is not the whole story. Relationships develop off camera. OTPs exist because we make assumptions about those relationships and project our wishes onto them. However, as OTPs keep us fans engaged, companies actively cultivate them in order to generate revenue.

This is why interactions are promoted and not cut. This is why they are predictable. This is why you will never see an OTP fighting.

We should be able to identify with our ideas of the OTP.


Why OTPs are

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