Sir, I am pleased to tell you the war is over, but the lives of perhaps everything breathing soul on this planet has suffered some way that we couldn’t prevent. It will takes years to right these wrongs and to restore peace, but that could take a long time as the United States and the U.S.S.R. are starting to build tensions and nuclear weapons, we will have to try our hardest to make up for the huge loss of life and suffering somehow, but first we will have to assist Germany and Japan as they are a pile of rubble as we speak, the United States is helping Japan after dropping two atomic bombs on two cities. Who knows what would happen if they went with the other option, “The Invasion”. After we saw the Nazi concentration camps we didn’t
But we can’t wait for it to end. The best way to end it is to strike first by taking the fight to the enemy. And it is to make sure we defeat both the Japanese and the Nazis by conquering Tokyo and Berlin. The quicker we take them down, the faster we get home.
Celeste: Bonjour! My name is John and this is Juan. We will be your tour guides for today.
Task 1 – You are an adviser to President Truman and he has asked for your advice. You now write a letter to him, dated July 1945, trying to convince him to decide on a course of action regarding what to do with the bombs. You take a position on how to use the bombs to end the war with Japan. President Truman, I am writing to you today to give you my advice regarding what to do with the atomic bombs to end World War II.
Did you know that it only took twenty minutes for people to die once the Nazis had forced them into a gas chamber? In that short amount of time all their hopes, dreams and achievements disappeared. Elie Wiesel believed that whenever “men and women are being persecuted because of their race, religion or political views…” then it falls on all of us, both individuals and government, to help. I agree with Wiesel that to stop future genocide and further racism, we must all come together because not only are we all human beings, but if we don't then we will never advance.
“If America’s soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read ‘Vietnam’.” Today I invoke the late Martin Luther King Jr’s words with full knowledge of the gravity they carry. My fellow Americans, the Vietnam war is undeniably the greatest moral catastrophe to have ever plagued our beloved nation; it has done nothing but divide us domestically and humiliate us internationally. As a result, for the sake of America’s conscience and dignity, the National Mobilisation Committee implores the Democratic Party to immediately de-escalate or even withdraw America’s military presence in South Vietnam. Yet I understand that the onus is upon me to prove that the National Mobilisation Committee’s path of peace is superior to President Johnson’s path of war. Consequently, I will rebut President Johnson’s attempts to defend the war. Furthermore, it has come to my attention that my pacifism has shaken my fellow protestors’ faith in my ability to bring about positive change. As a result, I will also use this speech to argue in favour of nonviolent protest, as it is the only way for those in power to hear our voices.
I will not be present tomorrow. On my behalf please give students the benchmark I left for them. The benchmark is on the desk and it is double sided. One side has the outline/checklist and the other side had the actual essay prompt on the Great Depression. In addition, I made copies of my roster for attendance and it is next to the copies of the essay ( green paper). I have loose leaf paper underneath the keyboard of the class computer. If students need writing utensils it is in the supply box, they know where to get
Gentlemen, I am here in front of you today to discuss the recent events in Europe and Japan which have resulted in victory for the Allied countries, and the end of six long, hard years of war. Today, the 16th of August, marks a new era for our country; Australia has risen from our days of economic hardship and political inferiority to become a land of promise.
I am very relieved to hear that the war is over. The Japanese government has accepted the terms of surrender imposed by the allied nations, and hostilities will now cease. At this moment we offer thanks to God and remember those whose lives were given. May we rejoice in the victory they have won for us. As a nation we have achieved so much; the war was worth it.
T.I.’s hip-hop music video “Warzone” was published in 2016 as an attempt to showcase the cruelty that blacks in America face by police. The music video is contemporary, which is significant because it takes place in the middle of the Black Lives Matter movement, a movement with a message that has holds different connotations for different people. Through poetic lyrics and striking imagery, T.I’s “Warzone” captures the savagery that blacks in America are subjected to by police and helps develop the Black Lives Matter movement.
SEP/25/57 Today the black kids are coming to our school for the first time, MOM tells me to knock them down a notch, I don't know why. Once we got there there was a humongous crowd chanting, 2,4,6,8 we don't want to integrate and my mom joined in and told me too but I Just kept on walking. I didn’t understand why my mom wanted me make to fun of them they seemed fine, also we played this game were when ever one of the black kids walked in we would move and say they stink.
Persuasive speech outline purpose: To persuade my audience to donate blood through the American Red Cross. Introduction:
Yes, have our current military. Provides a safety net for all and makes sure that we have no foreign threats. Keeps our freedom and independence. It is an extension to providing a free environment for all. 81% support and like the military overall ( military is there to serve and protect America as a whole as well. They defend the constitution when oath is taken (Opening phrase is, I will support & defend the Constitution (In ) Without that, there is a sense of vulnerability and others may perceive us as weak and easily manipulated. With a force, we will have a chance against others and a way to protect our citizens. Our current constitution provides Congress the authority to shape the different military branches & their conducts, basically support the military. Without basic protection, how can we even have a slim chance of surviving? Not everyone can protect themselves like the young, old, sick, & disabled. They play a huge part in promoting political agenda, protecting economic interests, internal population control, construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding important areas. Also plays a huge role in power projection.Also function as a discrete subculture within a larger society through the development of infrastructures such as housing, schools, utilities, logistics, health/medical, law, food production, finance, & banking. NECESSITIES. Gives unfortunate a chance at a job with support and honor. 1.4 million serve (Time)
Asquat black telephone, I mean an octopus, the god of our Signal Corps, owns a recess in Berlin (more probably Moscow, which one German general has named the core of the enemy’s whole being.) Somewhere between steel reefs, a wire wrapped in gutta-percha vibrates: I hereby . . . zzZZZZZ . . . the critical situation . . . a crushing blow. But because these phrases remain unauthenticated (and because the penalty for eavesdropping is death), it’s not recommended to press one’s ear to the wire, which bristles anyhow with electrifed barbs; better to sit obedient, for the wait can’t be long; negotiations have failed. Away flees Chamberlain, crying: Peace in our time. France obligingly disinterests herself in the Prague government. Motorized columns
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.
For example, using a leftover coffee can for loose nails or screws, or even washing and reusing a plastic zip-loc bag instead of throwing it in the garbage. Thrift shopping is a way of reusing someone else’s unwanted goods. As I spoke about in an earlier speech about thrifting, I included many locations and ways to thrift, also the benefits to the shopper and the donator. One place in particular was shopping at the local boys and girls club. I personally shop there, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. For example, the pair of jeans that I am wearing today was purchased from this store just a few months ago. I paid only $8.00 for this pair of Lucky Jeans and according to, a retailer for lucky jeans the retail price is $99.00 that is a savings to me of $91.00.I am not the type to worry about name brands, but quality usually does cost more. If I can get a quality pair of jeans at a fraction on the price, I am glad to shop at the thrift store. I am thankful to the person that made the donation of the lucky jeans and they can benefit from that donation. According to the IRS webpage, IRS. Gov it explains that an individual can donate items like clothing, household furniture and furnishings, a car or boat, even taxidermy. The donations are appraised, by the donator, and recorded. At the time of filing taxes if the donation equals at least $500 for the year, the donator may take advantage of the