
Persuasive Speech - Don 't Hour Drive Felt Like An Eternity

Decent Essays

That hour drive felt like an eternity. I was anxiously and impatiently squirming around in my seat waiting for my dad to arrive at the lot to take my road test; I couldn 't wait. Thankfully, the skies were clear and the roads were dry; I couldn 't have asked for a better day to take my test, but still, I couldn 't even feel my body. I felt like every minute that passed by was a whole hour within itself; I just wanted to be there already. My dad was trying to give me motivational pep talks to help me feel more confident, but they weren 't really helping. I knew I was ready; however, I felt like I would crack under all the pressure. I just wanted the test to be over with already and it hasn 't even started. Finally, we arrived. There were …show more content…

I saw the conductor mark down on her scoring device; I knew I had caused myself some points off. I had to force myself to stop thinking so much or else I would never pass. I got back on track within a few seconds; I still thought I had a chance. It came time to do my three-point-turn; I nailed it. I used my blinkers correctly and checked every mirror during the turn; I was thankful I remembered the correct motions to follow. I had to exaggeratedly turn my head to make sure the conductor realized I was making the effort to check all my mirrors. I made sure she didn 't think I wasn 't checking my surroundings correctly. I was also nervous when it came time to parallel park, but I nailed that too. I didn 't even have to finish pulling up all the way to the curb before the conductor motioned me to move on. I was on my way back to where I started; I had to make a right turn. I exaggerated my breaking a little too much even though I saw no cars were coming; I knew that mess up was going to cause me points off as well. Sure enough, I saw the conductor look back down at her scoring device and mark a mistake; however, I still felt confident. The conductor and I pulled back into the lot; I saw my dad look up from his conversation. I could tell he was trying to read the expression on my face to try and tell how it went, but even I wasn 't too sure yet. As the conductor was figuring out the points in her scoring device I started losing a little confidence and doubting myself. The

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