
Persuasive Speech On Food And Food

Satisfactory Essays

1) Introduction
a) Attention Getter
i) Heart Disease Statistics
(1) According to the Center for Disease Control, in the next 5 minutes that I am presenting this speech more than 5 Americans will pass away from a diet related cause.
(2) Furthermore, this research from Rutgers food science department states that the top three causes of death in the United States are also related to diet.
(a) ii) However, one of the most stunning deductions that can be drawn from these statistics is that the leading cause of death in our country is directly related to a disconnect between consumption of food and the impacts it has on everyday life.
b) Thesis - Core belief and thesis statement on slide in the presentation
(1) Therefore, I believe food education is a significant component in acquiring a balanced, healthy, and happy lifestyle
c) Establishing Credibility and Previewing Body
i) Standing here before you as a food science major, it is obvious that I am an advocate for knowledge in this discipline; however, I was once very ignorant in basically all aspects of food and eating. ii) Today I am going to share with you my journey to food literacy, why I have acquired my core belief, and how this belief correlates with fixing the obesity epidemic in our country.
2) Body
a) Main Idea 1 - Narrative
i) As a young teenager, I was overweight, unhealthy, unhappy, unmotivated, and,

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