
Persuasive Speech On New Mothers

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Todays mothers will quite literally do anything for their child and can begin to feel like they are on the verge of insanity, and yet they still feel like it’s not enough. They feel such a gigantic guilt thinking that somehow they must know every need of their baby before the baby itself even knows what it wants. Mothers feel like they can never stop nursing, never stop rocking, and never stop carrying the baby like the baby must be held, loved, and cared for at every moment of every day. But fifty years ago, things were different. The mother did whatever was needed to get by, and that was it. They were not nearly as vocal about their beliefs and what they do for their baby as new mothers are in this day and age. However the love of a mother runs deep.

Both sides of the coin have pros and cons and new mothers should try to keep both sides in mind as they get ready for a new child or perhaps to help them with one they have already had. New progress and technology can be great but I think mothers need to be careful not to let it rule how they take care of their child. Sure new household appliances and baby monitors can make mothering easier but not everything has to revolve around those things. Putting away your electronics and just talking or playing games with your child is beneficial for their growth and brain development.

In today's society teenagers tend to talk back (yet this only seems to be when they look up from their video games long enough to engage) to their

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