
Persuasive Speech Outline On Dystopian Fiction

Decent Essays

Abbey Knupp
Topic Area: Dystopian Fiction
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: My audience will be able to explain what dystopian fiction is, and they will be able to identify the reason why dystopian fiction remains popular in society.

I. Attention Getter
In a world where the government controls every aspect of life, privacy is nonexistent, individualism and self-identity have been abolished, and free will has been eliminated, a strong, alert, and inspiring protagonist emerges to combat the oppression and bring freedom to the world once again.
II. Audience Relevance Link
Does that trope sound familiar to any of you? The format above is one of the most popular plots for works in the dystopian genre. Many popular fictitious works, including movies, novels, and even recent video games, take place in a dystopian society, so everyone in here has probably watched or read some form of content that depicts a dystopian world.
III. Credibility
When I was in …show more content…

Even though the genre is incredibly dark, one of the reasons that people continually come back to dystopian fiction is the fact that even the darkest novels in the genre inspire hope (Baccolini and Moylan).
1. When the protagonist loses, the reader gains hope that their society isn’t as bad, and that, if they heed the events in the novel as a warning, it may never be as bad.
2. But, when the protagonist wins, the victory is almost as sweet for the reader as it is for the character, because everyone can appreciate what it means to be free, and what freedom would mean to a person who has never had it. The freedom is especially sweet when the reader can look into the heart of the character, and see their own characteristics reflected back through the pages.
Transition: Even though the societies may seem impossible, incredibly dark, and outlandish, something about the stories that emerge from the desolate walls resonates within the hearts of the readers.

I. Review Main Points/Restate

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