
Persuasive essay - Love

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Love is a beautiful thing. It makes people happy. It can change a person, and show someone things that they never knew about themselves. It lifts one up, knowing there is always someone who will stand by their side through anything. It brings people together, and makes the world a better place. Some people may disagree; they might think love is just a fantasy. Either way, it is a fantasy that everyone deserves to dream of and experience in all its glory, whether straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. However, not all people are so accepting of love when it is not in the form that they are familiar with, or is not demonstrated in ways that they think are proper. This can be easily seen in society’s treatment of non-heterosexuals, …show more content…

Yes, the legal definition of marriage includes that it is between one man and one woman. This definition is not fair. Marriage should be about powerful love and support, despite the genders of the two recipients.
Minnesota republican Wheelock Whitney, who ran for governor and senator in past years, wrote an editorial on his support for gay marriage in the Star Tribune last month. He said: “Gay men and lesbians are among the most talented people out there. Needless and hurtful laws [banning same-sex marriage] drive them away. They also drive away innovative people of any sexual orientation who simply want to live in a place that respects and celebrates the diversity of life.” He continued by saying: “my happiness has never depended on depriving others of their happiness. My marriage has never needed the exclusion of others from marriage. I am not threatened by seeing others find love and celebrate it.” Gays are normal people just like anyone else, who struggle with their identities and live in search of success, love, and happiness. Prejudiced laws banning same-sex marriage needlessly keep these people from natural human desires. No damage is done to society by letting same-sex couple marry and lead more content, loving lives. If anything, it makes our country a better, happier place.
While adult non-heterosexuals are regularly discriminated against via their denied access from legal marriage, those much younger face constant discrimination

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