
Pesticides In America Research Paper

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Pesticide Use in America Over Time Pesticides are not new. Crops have always been subject to pests and diseases as well as other natural occurrences such as bad weather. In earlier times people had no access to machines and other inventions to make farming more efficient. They faced famine if crop yields were weak multiple years in a row. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) writes that the first recorded use of pesticides was 4500 years ago by the Sumerians. Mr. Giotto, a history teacher at Bay Trail Middle school describes them as “the first people to migrate Mesopotamia, they created a great civilization.”. They used sulphur compounds as a natural pesticide, and this could be why they were so great in the first …show more content…

The website on Safe Chemical Policy protest current policies on pesticides as too strict, and they have some valid points. They point to the cost and time to pay registration fees and to submit data. While the time spent is perhaps unavoidable if companies are committed to obtaining accurate data, large fees for those doing the right thing by registering their product to ensure that it is safe is counterintuitive. Large fees serve to dissuade those who genuinely care about the wellbeing of their farm workers and customers, and such fees only encourage companies to seek out loopholes to get their product pass. The Safe Chemical Policy group also reveal that the registering process can take from 9 to 10 years. This may mean that the EPA and the agencies that also have a role in regulating pesticides are overloaded. So while pesticide use must be more regulated to stop harmful pesticides from making it to the market, and recalling those that are dangerous, there must also be reform to unneeded policies that only serve to inhibit those companies with good intentions. These changes will most likely have to come from conscientious people such as you and me. Changes may come from the federal or state governments, but it is unlikely that such reform will take place without popular support. At the present most people seem to care more about other issues which results in pesticide regulations being relegated to the sidelines. This may prove dangerous as pesticides are a worldwide danger that affect quite literally everyone, and may have more impact than we see today such as in the case of earlier pesticide

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