
Petar Luketina

Decent Essays

Petar Luketina noticed a light-blue stuffed animal on the road as he was driving. The dirty toy that was tossed on the street tugged at his heart strong enough for him to stop his car.

Fox8 reports the Ohio man was heading to a coffee shop on Sunday when he spotted the fluffy hippo. Luketina explained:

"I noticed something on the ground and I passed by it and I looked out my driver's side window and noticed it was a stuffed animal."

After thinking about it for a moment, Luketina drove back and moved the stuffed animal off the road onto a snow pile. The teacher thought someone might be searching for it so he wanted to help. He waited four hours before he went back to find the dirty hippo was still stranded in the snow.

The man took the stuffed …show more content…

The teacher tried to spread the word to the owner by posting photos of the hippo with the location he found it at:

Luketina wrote:

Hey everyone, Adam and I found this little guy on our way to Fiona's Coffee Bar & Bakery Downtown Willoughby . The poor fella was in the middle of the intersection. If you have friends with children in that area, please ask if they’ve lost a stuffed animal on Ridge Road. I know it’s seems minuscule to us, but to a child it can mean the world.

Nearly 6,000 shares later, he found out his good deed paid off. The teacher was thrilled his post worked and the cuddly stuffed animals owner was found.

He was surprised to find out who the person was, though. It was definitely not who he was expecting to respond. Luketina explained in an update:

We've found the owner!!! I was hoping to see the eyes of little boy or girl light up as I reunited a little tyke with their stuffed animal, but looks like the world threw me--and everyone else--a curve ball! Kate Wearsch, 22 yrs. old sent me a picture of the little guy in her bedroom. She had Poe during her two years of being in and out of hospitals. Kate named him "Poe" because when she says, "Hi Poe!" it sounds like "hippo". When she rolled down the window she didn't know Poe had fallen

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