
Peter Carruthers Argument In Resolving The Mind-Body Problem

Decent Essays

The mind-body problem is a sophisticated topic discussed by many philosophers. But one philosopher in particular, Peter Carruthers, explains and solves the mind-body problem through the identity theory. I agree with Carruthers' claim that the mind and brain are both the same physical states. Opposing views argue that the mind is separate from the brain/body. Carruthers has made his concepts clear in his article “The Mind Is the Brain”. Firstly, I will examine the stability of Mackie’s claim that if evil does exist, God is not one of the three premises of a western theological God. Secondly, I will uplift any objections or faults in Mackie’s claim. Thirdly, give possible replies to the counter argument to support Mackie’s original claim. In this essay, an explanation of why Carruthers’ argument is correct in resolving the mind-body problem by discussing

How to define the relationship between the mind and the body is the mind-body problem. What Carruthers is doing is trying to solve the problem by saying the mind and body are one. Since Carruthers believes the mind is physical, he calls the mind the brain. He uses the support from the identity theory to prove his claim. Carruthers states, The …show more content…

The brain/body cannot be controlled without it. The mind/brain is dependent on the on the body. Without the body, you cannot experience a thing such as pain. Others can argue that this explanation does not explain how one can have experiences for the first time or have feelings that are not attached to physical events. Hearing yourself think has nothing to do with using your physical ears or using your voice. This is a very relevant fault in Carruthers’ theory. Although they argue that, Carruthers argues that if that is true, drugs should not be able to change your brain chemistry which changes your mood. A doctor can give a patient anti-depressants to suppress depression, which is a mental

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