
Petrified Forest By Lewis Lapham Analysis

Decent Essays

What or Who Should We Fear
Fear is one of the most common feeling ever experienced by the American society. There are different types of fear, although most us don’t fear the shadows or darkness anymore. The year 2017 has been a paranoia to most of us. With all these things going on, we do not know who or what to believe or even trust. Over the time, I realized I was full of fears. I always thought my biggest fear was the darkness and of what was in it. My thoughts were who or what will crawl up of those shadows looking for me. Those feelings started fading over the years, but the “imaginary individual who could take me” hadn’t disappeared. My mind started to wonder what is that individual was real and promised us the entire sea but it is only …show more content…

Lapham, is trying to describe the fear most Americans have towards the possible nuclear war and the constant terror. Lapham writes about his childhood experience with Fat Man and Little Boy making him scared of the unknown leaving us, the readers, wonder if it would repeat itself. The author is trying to get us to understand that with all the things going on in the American society, world war Ⅲ may and can happen soon. As Lapham writes, “the networked sum of its fears―sexual and racial, cultural, social and economic, nuanced and naked, founded and unfounded.” (3). Because of people’s different thoughts, the America society is bringing each other down making us loose attention to the real problem. The author is trying to explain us how our society changed and as time went on certain types of individuals like “black male adolescents, leftist English professors, aging hipsters, welfare mothers, homosexuals, performance artists, illegal immigrants, others too numerous to mention.” (Lapham 10) became the eyes of the government and the authorities. Making it look as if those human beings were the only targets. Class and race will always be a topic to speak about by the American people. As if those two were the only thing that mattered

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