
Essay Philosophical Debate

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The philosophical debate begins as Socrates states that a true philosopher “has reason to be of good cheer when he is about to die”, although suicide is not acceptable. Cebes is confused by what seems to be a contradiction because for those who would consider death a blessing, cannot take their own lives, but must wait for their lives to be taken from them. Socrates explains that the “gods are our guardians, and that we are a possession of theirs”, and so have no right to harm ourselves. True philosophers spend their entire lives preparing for death and dying, so it would be inappropriate if they were to be sad when the moment of death finally arrived. “I am afraid that other people do not realize that the one aim of those who practice …show more content…

As Socrates explains it, death is nothing more than the separation of the soul from the body. “Dead is the attainment of this separation when the soul exists in herself, and is parted from the body and the body is parted from the soul”. People would exchange pleasures for pleasures and pains for pains. Socrates would exchange all these things for wisdom, the only thing of true value. This pursuit of wisdom will cleanse the philosopher of all the impurities of bodily life and its infatuations, preparing him for an exalted afterlife among the gods.
When Plato is discussing the soul, I receive the image of the soul being imprisoned by the body. Thus, death is a kind of liberation from this prison. However if the gods are such good masters, why have they imprisoned us within these imperfect bodies, torturing and restricting the freedom of our souls in the first place? In addition, Socrates advocates learning with only the mind, which implies that you must learn without the body or senses. Does Plato truly mean that we can and should learn without the senses? It would be very difficult to acquire skills vital to knowledge if we could make no use of our senses.
Plato then goes on to speak about the sensibles and the form of properties. Plato is trying to show that the sensibles are not the same things as the Forms. An example of the sensibles would be things

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