
Philosophy, Phenomenology And Comparative Approachs

Decent Essays

I believe there are six different approaches to religion. One approach is the psychological or individual aspect. Then there is the sociological approach which looks at group behavior. Then there is also the anthropological approach which is looks at societies, cultures and things of that nature. Lastly there is the philosophy, phenomenology and comparative approachs.
The psychological approach to religion allows us to examine the individual. The psychology of religion is to understand the personal religious experience. William James who many deem the father of the psychology of religion field. William James had identified two types of individuals for this field. One was what he called the “healthy minded”. The healthy minded individuals ignored evil and only focused on the good and positive things. The other type of individual he identified was the “sick souled” person. These type of individuals are unable to ignore the evil and negativities in the world. They need a unifying experience such as religion to accommodate for good and evil. My point is that the psychology approach is the application of psychological methods to individuals.
The sociological approach to religion looks at the group aspect. Durkheim saw religion as a tool for unifying people into a moral community. He saw these religious groups as an expression of society. Individuals in these groups sought out something greater than themselves which in turn form these religious groups or communities. Humans are

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