
Philosophy in Mathematics Essay

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Philosophy in Mathematics

Mathematics has contributed to the alteration of technology over many years. The most noticeable mathematical technology is the evolution of the abacus to the many variations of the calculator. Some people argue that the changes in technology have been for the better while others argue they have been for the worse. While this paper does not address specifically technology, this paper rather addresses influential persons in philosophy to the field of mathematics. In order to understand the impact of mathematics, this paper will delve into the three philosophers of the past who have contributed to this academic. In this paper, I will cover the views of three philosophers of mathematics encompassing their …show more content…

At this time it was customary for men of his stature to choose from church or army, which he would serve. Choosing the latter position, Descartes joined the army in 1617.

In an event of chance, Descartes stumbled upon Isaac Beeckman, head of the Dutch College at Dort, who would translate a sign off the streets. This sign was in actuality a challenge to anyone to solve a geometrical problem (Wilkins, D.). Within a few hours, with help from Descartes’ respect and appreciation of mathematics, he found a solution and a friendship was formed between Beeckman and Descartes. This unexpected turn of events fueled Descartes’ contempt of his life in the army; but due to family influence and tradition, he remained a soldier until 1621 (Wilkins, D.). Descartes was 25 years old.

The next couple of years found him relocated all around Europe until he settles in Paris in 1626. In the five years from when he left the army until his alighting in Paris, Descartes had devoted his life to the study of pure mathematics. There, in Paris, Descartes would live for two years until Cardinal de Berulle, founder of the Oratorians, urged on Descartes the duty of “devoting his life to the examination of truth.” (Wilkins, D.). Now 1628, Descartes moved again, this time to Holland, to secure himself from interruption. He would spend the next twenty years in Holland, focusing on philosophy and mathematics.

His time in Holland

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